Friday, July 01, 2005

White Band

I have added a Make Poverty History White Band to my websites. The code is available on the campaign website.
I didn't win any tickets for tomorrow's Live8 concert but I feel the campaign is working. There are inevitable reports of attempts to profiteer from the concerts and protests, but I guess many more people are thinking seriously about what they can do to bring about change.
Fair trade is an obvious one for me. There's a small shop at the end of my street called Fairer World. It sells all the usual fair trade stuff - but it only made sense to me when I started to BUY it! So I've stopped buying my coffee and tea from the supermarket. I now look for the Fair Trade symbol in the shops and ask about fair trading at the ones where I don't see it.
The G8 members will hopefully follow my example. In proportion am I already doing more than they are? I don't think I can do the sums - perhaps someone else already has.


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