Thursday, July 20, 2006

Heatsteria - the meltdown

Feeling the heat
Originally uploaded by Dawnriser.
This was a tall rectanglar candle lamp until it took the full blaze of the sun this week. It was in our front room - we were rather fond of it.
Joan suggested waiting for another hot day so that she could re-form it. Don't hold your breath for the before and after shots.

Despite the melt down no hot weather records were broken in York except a record performance by Yorkhsire Water who managed to burst seven water mains in the city. It was caused by an electrical fault that pumped water at high pressure when it's control panel indicated that a full water tower was empty. The pumps worked overtime to fill it up and POP. Hundreds of people without water for a few hours, houses flooded and holes in the road.


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