tells stories
are the way we pass our experience on to others. One generation
reminds the next of its culture and memories through
the twentieth century the mass media snatched the storytelling
initiative from local communities. Our stories are now told
by other people - the TV script writers and journalists who
craft our soap operas, news and current affairs programmes.
New technology now lets anyone take back
their historic right to communicate experience through stories.
Old crafts and new skills come together in Digital Storytelling.
The often lost art of script writing is rediscovered; pictures
are brought to life with computer software; short pieces of
television and video are created in storytelling workshops.
digistories builds on the experience of the BBC's
highly successful Telling Lives programme. In workshops
I observe a wide range of people tell their story in
a way that breaks the mould of modern media storytelling.
The stories are powerful, engaging, authentic and in their
own voice.
is it done? On this site I explain the
process and point you to others who have also documented their
experience. Join a workshop and do it yourself.