This page continues my contribution of weblinks
to the Digital Storytelling Community.

Tell Us Your Story

This project was set up in a partnership between the BBC, NIACE and the Learning and Skills Councils in the North West. I ran a series of training events for tutors and created a tutors manual. It's available from the BBC RaW site

You will need Adobe Reader to view this file (free download)
Early in the Telling Lives project I was interviewed by Helen O'Connell for a
research project called Sightings. A
transcript was published on the Kids Own site and serves
as a useful summary of how I saw the project in the first
weeks of it's existence.
Conference [The BBC has removed this archive]
In November 2003 the BBC hosted an International Digital Storytelling
Conference in Cardiff. The conference
archive contains some of the best summaries of how digital
storytelling began and where it could lead. The conference
was sponsored by the BBC, WDA and Cardiff University, but
Melanie Lindsell was the person who really made it happen.
The archive is a tribute to her hard work.
Stories in the North of England
I was asked to provide this short article for the DSA website.
I chose to highlight how Digital Storytelling had changed
people's lives, including my own. [The demise of the Digital Storytelling Association means this article is no longer online]
There followed a number of events to which people from the
BBC were invited to share their expertise and experience of
digital storytelling. One was organised by NMK and BAFTA
As we began to promote the project it frequently made the
local newspapers and some professional publications. Here
are a couple of examples of how Digital Storytelling was reported.
City Council free paper
There were reports of other work in the UK too
Guardian on The Living Archive project
How the BBC talked about it's projects