The second digital storytelling workshop for engineers to tell their own stories has been scheduled for the National Media Museum in Bradford. It is essentially for Broadcast Engineers to talk about the events and inspiration that led them into their career. The workshop takes place on three consecutive Mondays. February 9th, 16th and 23rd 2009. Participants need to be able to attend all three days.
The aim is to raise public awareness of what engineers do and what motivates them and to insprie young people to consider the profession.
The workshops are funded by an award from the Royal Academy of Engineering to the Universities of Salford and Southampton. Places on the workshop are free but must be booked in advance. You can download a flyer here and find more information on the digistories website
You can watch stories told by acoustics engineers in a pilot workshop to give you an idea of the style of these digital stories.
For more details and a booking form contact Dr Zoe Stec.