More Engenious Stories

YouTube – digistoriesuks Channel .

I’ve just uploaded the final batch of digital stories made by Engineers in the Engenious Stories project. It was organised by The Universities of Salford and Southampton and funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering. I held workshops in Salford, Bradford, York, Birmingham and Southampton where a wide range of people told an equally varied selection of stories.

In addition, school children at Bittern Park School in Southampton created stories which have been used internally although not published.

I have watched all of these stories as they have been uploading and they are, as always, even better for watching them again. My personal thanks to all of the participants for their hard work in making these digital stories and now I hope they will inspire young people, and some not so young, to consider a career in engineering. As someone who began life as a Broadcast Technician with the BBC I was not a little envious of the work these people have devoted their lives to. Whilst I was taking a path of journalism and broadcasting they were solving engineering problems and turning ideas into practical solutions. We all make our choices, but I can still look longingly at a path I might have followed if other callings hadn’t come my way. Running these workshops reminded me that I still get a buzz from science and technology.

Please go to the digistoriesuk YouTube channel and watch these stories.