Faith Stories

I’ve just finished uploading more stories to the digistoriesuk YouTube channel. This latest batch is from two workshops which were run for faith communities. A church called Harrogate New Life and the summer school of Riding Lights Theatre Company. There are some quite remarkable stories here as well as others that are gentle and reassuring […]

Engenious Stories

A new name for the stories produced in the Engineers workshop – Engenious Stories. I’ve assembled them into a single playlist. Take a look

The workflow continues

I spent Friday morning in East Dorset explaining to a group of people in Wimborne Minster how digital storytelling works. These sessions do me as much good as the people I’m presenting to. Somehow it re-ignites my vision for the whole process, and as the group start to tell stories of their own I get […]

Still time to book your place

There are still places for both Railway and Broadcast Engineers on the Digital Storytelling workshops in York and Bradford. National Railway Museum workshop starts on Wednesday Feb 4th in York National Media Museum workshop starts on Monday Feb 9th in Bradford Places are free but have to be booked. Contact Dr Zoe Stec

Broadcast Engineers – tell your story

The second digital storytelling workshop for engineers to tell their own stories has been scheduled for the National Media Museum in Bradford. It is essentially for Broadcast Engineers to talk about the events and inspiration that led them into their career. The workshop takes place on three consecutive Mondays. February 9th, 16th and 23rd 2009. […]

Digital Stories from London Transport Museum

Become a fan of the London Transport Museum Head over to Facebook and watch this series of digital stories – memories of using London Transport Last year I trained 5 people from the Museum at the depot in Acton. We had a great time and they told some fascinating personal stories in the process of […]

Digital Storytelling Workshops for Engineers

Ingenious Workshops The first workshops funded by the Ingenious Fund of the Royal Society of Engineering have been scheduled. The first is for Railway Engineers at the National Railway Museum in York. The digital storytelling workshop will be held at the museum on three Wednesdays. February 4th & 11th with a final day on March […]

Voices in unison

The second day of the Culture Shock training trainers workshop in Beamish was successful. Everyone recorded their script and edited it. Images have been scanned and resized. The search is on for old pictures and other photos ready for the next phase of the workshops which starts on Thursday.

Culture Shock

Today is the start of one of the biggest digital storytelling projects in the UK. Culture Shock has a target of collecting 1,000 digital stories in two years gathered from people in the North East of England. The stories will be prompted by objects from museum collections in the region. This is the first training […]

Roughshod Excell

I’ve just watched a totally absorbing perfomance by Roughshod. Riding Lights Roughshod is a professional touring theatre company – created by Riding Lights in 1992 to concentrate on the grass-roots community touring which characterised the early years of Riding Lights itself – which annually reaches a live audience of around 65,000 adults and children. It has […]