Improve Encoding Quality in iDVD

If you want to improve the quality of DVDs that you burn with Apple’s iDVD I’ve just discovered something really useful. I had always been under the impression that iDVD always used the best possible encoding unless you were trying to squeeze more onto a DVD, and then it started to sacrifice quality for quantity. […]

QuickTime 7 update – still no cure for iMovie HD

Apple has updated QuickTime 7 QuickTime Player 7.6.6 for Mac OS X v10.6.3 QuickTime Player 7 supports older media formats, such as QTVR, interactive QuickTime movies, and MIDI files on Snow Leopard I had hoped that it would improve the handling of stills in the timeline of iMovie HD projects under Snow Leopard. Alas, no. […]

digistories workshops return to Summer School

  I am returning to the Riding Lights Summer Theatre School this summer with two digistories workshops under the title The event is loads of fun and you have the chance to enlist for a digital storytelling workshop as just one part of the week’s activities. Personally these are the most frantic workshops I […]

Mars Edit 3

The latest update of Mars Edit blogging software is in the wild. I was very tempted to deploy it when version 2.3 emerged but I decided to stick with the web interface. I think the latest version is going to lift the dollars out of my pocket as I’m won over by the smarter features. […]

DS5 – Time to book for the UK's only Digital Storytelling Festival

I am delighted that one of the keynote presentations at DS5 in Aberystwyth will be delivered by Alex Henry of Culture Shock. I trained the teams for this project back in 2008 and now they’re teaching me things.  Joe Lambert the Founding Director of the Centre for Digital Storytelling is also on the programme. I missed […]

Upgrading website to WordPress CMS

The white cat (OSX10.6) broke my ancient Dreamweaver 2004 application. When I looked at the price of the latest version (too old to upgrade) I knew it was a really good time to abandon the static digistories website for something more dynamic. I wanted it to be based on WordPress. There seemed little point in […]

Community Voices

The launch of Community Voices projects is drawing nearer. Organisations will be invited to submit their projects for funding by The Media Trust early in the new year. I was interviewed by one the researchers from Corporate Citizenship who compiled the report that informs the approach to be taken by Media Trust towards the Community Voices project. It’s […]

Digital Story Telling @ the University of Gloucester

Digital Story Telling Digital storytelling, the technique of combing narrative with digital media, into short movies emerged as a practice in the 1990s.  The technique exploited the increasing accessibility of technologies for capturing audio and images and was exploited particularly for community and social projects.  It can be seen as an adaptation of the storytelling […]

iMovie 8 Madness

I have started to re evaluate iMovie 8 (part of iLife 09) as a tool for digital storytelling. I was beginning to warm to it until I began some tests to nail down it’s behaviour with still images. Now it’s driving me to distraction – it’s so inconsistent. So my write up will take a […]

"iMovie" or "Photo to Movie"?

I’ve been evaluating Photo to Movie from LQ Graphics as a tool for digital storytelling. My favourite application is iMovie HD. It’s not perfect but better the devil you know – and I know iMovie pretty well now and still discover tricks that make me think “how clever”. When Apple rewrote iMovie for iLife 08 it […]