I’m looking forward to DS8 in Cardiff which starts on Friday at 10am at Chapter Arts. I have chosen my breakout sessions in advance. In the morning I shall listen to David Frohlich (University of Surrey). His topic is: Mobile Digital Storytelling for Development In this talk David describes another use of digital stories as […]
See and Hear
I appear in two new features this week. At DS6 Gareth Morlais recorded an interview with me about the potential of digital storytelling on the iPad. He makes some very generous comments about me during this feature, but I hope you find the content about creating digital stories useful. It is the first of his […]
Adobe Premiere Elements for Mac
I’m excited and doubtful about the arrival of Adobe Premiere Elements for Mac. Excited because it this could be a Mac solution for digital storytelling but dubious because it’s Adobe and my experience of their products and pricing is mixed.
New friends and contacts
I’m reflecting on the new contacts and friends made on my trip to the far east. They have enriched my life and I hope will continue to do so.
Singapore Keynote
I was invited to deliver the keynote address to the 2nd Asian Digital Storytelling Congress in Singapore on Sept 4th 2010.
This is the text of my presentation
Powerful Stuff
There are four participants in my workshop this week. A wide age and ability range but with the small number I hope to give each one the individual attention they will need. We are surrounded by talent here in Harrogate and to take advantage of what’s in offer in other workshops we are joining the […]
Shift Happened
The event ShiftHappens at York Theatre Royal may be over but now it’s time to absorb the key content to make Shift Happen.
If the bucket is already there – use it
I can be very specific about the right kit to use for a digital storytelling project, but sometimes, in the name of inclusion, I have to remember it’s the story that’s important not the way it’s made.