Stories for Success were gathered and created in two Tyneside workshops in early 2018. Storytellers at Chilli Studios and the Linskill Centre engaged in six workshop dates to learn to tell digital stories using their own pictures and narrative and the creative potential of an Apple iPad. Each workshop concluded with the World Premiere showing […]
The Story Box

I’ve just finished a series of workshops at Crisis Skylight in Newcastle at the invitation of Alex Henry of Curiosity Creative. It’s part of The Story Box project, with stories being gathered for public display. Among the venues for these digital stories is a one person cinema – a portable red BT Phonebox.
Derwenthorpe Stories

Derwenthorpe is a new housing development on the edge of York. The plans were controversial. The houses are environmentally advanced but the site was contested by some people living in more established communities nearby. Once the disputes were settled and the houses being occupied the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust organised community events to build bridges. […]
I Want To Make A Time Machine
I am involved in a joint bid with Riding Lights Theatre Company to use storytelling, theatre and digital coding to create an app to help families affected by dementia. To promote our bid we created this video to tell the story. The film features two people who are affected by dementia. One of them, […]
See digistories at Illuminating York

The Armed Forces Community Presents … Workshops are complete and the stories are finding their way onto the York Stories 2012 website. But the highlight of this project – apart from the stories themselves of course – is that five of the digital stories will be shown on a big screen in St Helen’s Square […]
Armed Forces Community Presents …..

Live in York? Have a story to tell about military life? Want to expand your media skills? I am running a series of workshops in the city linked to York Stories 2012 called Armed Forces Presents. York is a great military city and has been ever since the Romans built their Legionary Headquarters here two […]
Past Caring
XO based digital storytelling
How do you give schoolchildren the tools to create digital stories on a $100 computer? You write the software yourself as they have in Uruguay.
The digistoriesuk YouTube Channel is live
I have created a YouTube channel called “digistoriesuk” to display digital stories created in my workshops. I had to add the uk on the end because there is already a digistories channel which is being used by someone in California called Fred Mindlin who is running workshops over there. The first stories to be uploaded […]