I have fully tested the latest version of iMovie and I am confident that it can be used to create digital stories.
Adobe Premiere Elements for Mac
I’m excited and doubtful about the arrival of Adobe Premiere Elements for Mac. Excited because it this could be a Mac solution for digital storytelling but dubious because it’s Adobe and my experience of their products and pricing is mixed.
CREATE – SHARE – LISTEN at the 4th International Conference on Digital Storytelling
There’s a valuable discount for booking early for the 4th International Conference on Digital Storytelling in Lillehammer in February next year. See you there?
Quicktime upgrade wrecks iMovieHD function
I’m delivering a workshop this week but when I opened my tutorial in iMovie HD it displayed a fault I thought was only found on Snow Leopard machines.
Joe Lambert’s Keynote at DS5
Joe Lambert brought a long history of experience to the Digital Storytelling Festival in Aberystwyth. His keynote was recorded and you can watch him speaking here.
If the bucket is already there – use it
I can be very specific about the right kit to use for a digital storytelling project, but sometimes, in the name of inclusion, I have to remember it’s the story that’s important not the way it’s made.
Time for a change
It’s five years since I set up digistories and began holding workshop events to give people skills in digital storytelling. Now I feel it right to trim the sails and concentrate my business on Training Trainers.
The only CDS Open Standard Workshop this year in Europe
I received this email from Joe Lambert of the Center for Digital Storytelling in California. He’s in the UK for DS5 in Aberystwyth. While he’s here he running a workshop in London and he has some places to fill. Folks,This is a reminder, we will be offering the only CDS Open Standard Workshop this year […]
There's still time to book for DS5
I received this email a few days ago from Esko Reinikainen about the Digital Storytelling Festival in Aberystwyth next week. If you haven’t yet booked – there’s still time, but not a lot of it. I’ll be there and would love to see you there too. Look out for the digistories trade stand. Dear Digital Storytelling […]