Get iMovie HD while you can

iLife ’09 was released today. It was also the day that the free download page for iMovie HD 6 was removed. Apple allowed users to download the earlier version because iMovie 08 was such a radical change  that many users were left without some essential functions – timeline editing to name just one. I can […]

KQED Updated Digital Storytelling Manuals

KQED in San Francisco runs one of the best Digital Storytelling programmes in the world. Leslie Rule has just updated the manuals which include How Tos for the whole process of digital storytelling. They are well worth downloading, and they’re free. While you’re on the site look through some of the stories told in their […]

Mobile Digital Storytelling

A useful, comprehensive, if somewhat over long, presentation about a form of digital storytelling using a mobile phone and web based editing sites.

No – Wi Fi, t-mobile broadband or live blogging

Here on the west coast of Wales at the UKs only digital storytelling festival I have connection to the outside world only through my iPhone. Access to the university’s wifi network is denied to all but staff and students, t-mobile supplies no signal to my broadband 3g dongle and the nearest public wifi point is […]

Jason Ohler's new book

Jason Ohler : Education and Technology :: Art, Storytelling, Education and Technology Art, Storytelling, Technology and Education Resources for educators, parents, innovators Announcement: Jasons new book about digital storytelling and new media narrative in education – Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: New Media Pathways to Literacy, Learning and Creativity, is now available for advance purchase: […]